Church Beck

Thank you for all the love shown to my wonderful 50ft doggie yesterday, she's always been a star.

Some admin this morning following Microsoft deciding to hijack my computer for most of yesterday, followed by a medical as part of the fostering process.
I was initially shocked at what the GP charged for this, but it was very very thorough, and (phew) we can claim it back. I was also shocked when the GP told me that our medical centre is significantly funded by charitable donations.
Fortunately that was the end of the shocks. Even in my current state of disrepair I was given an overall rating of excellent. I'm not sure if that's great for me or a poor reflection of our nation's health.

The day started grim, but by the time I was home it was veering towards decidedly nice; so off pooch and I went. I saw a tantalising flash of iridescent blue, so at least I know the kingfisher is still about, and time spent by the Beck is never time wasted.

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