Northern Lights

After a day in Tromso pottering around - including the art museum which as a number of potential blips - we went on a trip hunting the Northern Lights.

We left at 18:00 and were driven out west through falling  -and blowing - snow.  -4oC to -5oC outside.  After nearly a couple of hours we stopped to kit up in weatherproof suits and boots then walked/ slid over sheet ice/ snow and frozen sand to a beach.  Fortunately the snow had stopped but there was still cloud cover.  

Back to the mini-van after a while for some delicious hot soup - we had reindeer soup - then when finished we went back out.  The clouds had blown away; the satellite info was promising and we settled down in the lee of some dunes and waited.

2 hours later we had seen a wonderful display on the horizon and overhead.  Mainly greens but the camera picked up some pinks and other colours.    Too many photos taken.  So my main blip and 2 extras.

A memorable trip.

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