At Last

By 8

Roseberry Topping

...with a sprinkling of icing sugar.
Isn't it a wonderful name for a hill?
There was a painting of this extinct volcano on the wall at art college in Hartlepool when I was 16/17
No that doesn't say 1617!!!!
It was a luscious extravagant thing with lots of impasto by one of my lecturers, Ron Storr.
I didn't see the 'real hill' until quite late in life.
I was fascinated to learn only last summer that on a clear day you can see it from here in Seaham, the car park above the Blast Beach.
But today we really drove past the actual thing on our way to the Danby Moors Centre in North Yorkshire.
Grand exhibition on there at the moment with works by Len Tabner and Peter Hicks.
And in the cafe - the best tomato soup I have ever tasted... which I may have mentioned in Blipland before.
So if youre passing.... say hello to this most idiosyncratic of moors, and have some tomato soup.
PS - Sorry it's a bit blurry but I grabbed this shot from the car as we passed.

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