family of 4 x

By CarrieMills


caleb had his first go in the jumparoo today, and he liked it. i was worried that sick boy would just throw up in it but think actually being upright helped. he doesn't actually jump but still fun :)

last night was one of the worst nights ever, we took caleb up to bed with us at 1130, he'd been asleep from bout 830. the second he got upstairs he woke right up and got grizzly again. he finally 'settled' at 1245! when i say settled he still tossed and turned and groaned and next thing you know its 4am. marks alarm went off at 430 just as mine and Caleb's eyes were closing, so awake again. and to top it all off erin decided that 5am was a great time to wake up.

even with no sleep we still made it to toddler group and made some halloween tissue pictures. i say we as erin drifted in and out of the activity so mummy had to help :)

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