just when you think you know someone

I’m putting together a website/blog for the band.  It’ll have the usual stuff - who we are, news about upcoming gigs and so forth.

I thought I’d try and make the band biographies a bit more interesting by looking at how we all started playing - motivation, influences - that sort of thing, because some of the people I play with have history.

I know they all have a web presence of some sort but when I started googling, I didn’t expect to find this.  

I’ve known Phil Riley for the past 5 or 6 years.  He’s a wonderful singer/songwriter with some lovely songs out there on the internet - thoughtful lyrics and beautiful melodies.  That’s the Phil I know.

I knew that he (along with Neil, our mandolin player) were trying to have a serious musical career back in the 1970s, but that it all came to nothing.  I had no idea that Phil eventually had chart success with this song in 1982.  ‘Helen in your headphones’,  released on EMI, reached No 96 in the UK charts.  Ah well.

I recognise the voice first and then the face.  Pop music’s loss is our gain.

If you’re interested you can find him here.  Check out ‘Boots that fit’.  

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