Where's the 'On' button?

By ketch

Climate Change - An Update

Went to a local event today organised by various politicians to update the public in general about the progress (and attempt to slow down) of climate change. Very enlightening but not necessarily as planned - it's been a long time since I've had an afternoon filled with quite so many comedic interludes.

In amongst powerpoint presentations failing to power up, inappropriate heckling and, my own particular favourite, my local MP attempting to address the assembled throng by speaking into the wrong end of a microphone, it struck me that this is part of the problem. I cannot knock the people who turned up as, let's be honest, they had the conviction to attend such an event on a Sunday afternoon (or perhaps preferred to feel the benefit of someone else's heating bill) - but the amateurism is frustrating given the size of the problem that we all face.

We're at a key tipping point and I'm not sure that sufficient numbers of people have cottoned onto the fact. However, full marks to those that turned up today - supporting personal measures to deal with the issue (such as the personal wind turbine in the photo above) is all well and good, but it's a global problem and by the end of this year, the decisions taken in Copenhagen will affect all our futures....

Ah well, off the soapbox now....

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