
By MagsyB

Mick, Canal Restoration Volunteer

Thursday means it's often photographing the volunteers of the Lichfield and Hatherton Restoration Canal. If you want more info about the project they have a website LHCRT or of course they are on Facebook, Twitter etc.
Today I went up to the Summerhill site (though I don't know where the hill is and it's certainly not Summer) where the guys are mending and extending the old canal wall. In practice, this means that Mick (in the picture) spent most of the day checking the quality of reclaimed bricks and re-stacking them - a necessary but truly boring job. Others were laying the top layer of blue bricks and chipping out any really damaged ones. The 'extra' gives an idea of the site layout, with the mud on the left hand side being more or less the line of the canal bed.
In addition to lining the canal bed with a brick wall, they are also in the process of laying a wheelchair friendly towpath.
Great guys all of them!

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