
...and torn

is this violet

as is my heart, which is also broken - due to the recent outbreak of violence in a florida - high school which experienced both a loss of life - and harm to body's as a result of gunfire - because a former schoolmate was unhappy - reports have been coming forth of many individuals - who, without thought for their own selves - willingly gave their lives to save children in many of the classrooms - using their bodies as human shields to protect kids - from random bullets which were flying through the air

what might you do in the same situation?

it's time, in my mind - we get back as a nation - to providing a safe environment for children - to get an education in schools - where they know it's safe to open a book - to read and learn with no thought of threat - to bodily harm - when parents can once again breathe easy - knowing their kiddos will be protected for the day - and teachers who don't get paid nearly enough - know they are walking into an establishment which has their backs

and everyone comes together united - as it used to be for one purpose - to educate the next generation with the understanding - it will lead to...


happy day.....

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