
By andypowe11


Stan and I went up to Cheltenham to see my mum today. She hasn't been very well of late though actually seems to be much better now. She is up and about anyway.

We played a couple of games from the mid-70s, including Waddington's Jack Straws, which Stan thrashed me at. I think they must be the last of the games that mum still has from our childhood. 'Twas fun.

We also looked at a lot of old family photos and talked a lot of old family history!

On the way home we stopped off at the last services on the M5 before Bristol to take a long exposure shot of car lights and the post-sunset sky from the service's footbridge across the motorway. Nearly worked. Unfortunately, the glass of the footbridge caused a slightly odd reflection so I haven't used it :-(

This one of mum is better anyway, even though she hates having her photo taken. I assume that she didn't realise I was taking this - well, she didn't complain anyway.

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