
By memento

You are invited to a wedding

But first, vote NO to the discriminatory, constitutional ban on marriage between people of the same gender. Why is this even an issue, or something that needs to be decided? Marry who you love. Period. And expect the same rights as everyone else. Isn't this 2012? I could have sworn we have moved out of the dark ages.

Neighbors D and A are so sure that on November 6th, the overwhelming majority of the people in our state will say NO to this potentially sad step backward that they are are making all sorts of plans for their ceremony, putting on paper the commitment that they've been upholding for eight years.

After the morning Skypestravanganza, I'm now gearing up to make three desserts* for tomorrow night's neighborhood guinea pig night. That's where we make something we've never made before and test it on the neighbor's tastebuds.

*Country Apple Dumplings, Tiramisu, and Boca Negra.

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