
By TBay

The Book.

It is that time of year again and I am busy training the YFC County Teams for Junior Reading and Junior Public Speaking. This is our reading book this time round. It’s not a bad tale but as the young would say it a bit totes emosh. A bit emotional to you and me! However the ending is relatively happy so that’s good! This afternoon we had another good sessions at County Offices and I am Now quite worn out!

Cold has almost gone but quess what, Mr Tbays is still with us and to be honest lingering as long as it seems possible , and just to put the icing on the whole affair Mrs V has it as does Sue who works for us! So no staff today.

Farming - a bit of Mushroom compost hauling then back to Farm to clear up more small but much needed jobs.

Mr Tbay met with the chap about the muckspreaders . Yes they had indeed failed to do quite a few of the jobs they should have done, and yes they will be doing them! Result!

A nice bit of roast pork for supper. Mmmmmm

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