
It had to be done, only a single snowdrop. We have more of course, not swaths of nodding white flowers but bunches around the border. They seem to be a favourite of slugs or other such as they're being nibbled, some even before they flower.

A typical Friday. Well, almost. I made my haircut at the right time. Then to the gym. A further visit from a kitchen design rep and more policy writing. I was still at the writing at gone 6.00pm on a Friday evening for goodness sake. I can't recall doing that at all when I was working.

Whilst I was beavering away up in the study Susan was enjoying the sunshine and views from the studio completing her latest painting. She had much needed personal time to focus on painting.

The usual Friday tea of omelette and salad washed down with a Hawkshead beer and finished with a selection of chocolates and a bit of old TV. Now we have a "big" screen we can watch Blue Planet II in all its glory.

Thanks for hosting Flower Friday Anni.

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