twinned with trumpton


I woke around 0645; and not really thinking - logged on to do battle with some overtime. By 8 it was brighter than forecast so I down tools and got the bike out. Me and the lads had been in Cowdenbeath last Saturday and I'd noted some noce looking industrial estate locations for some of my more abstract photograph and figured I'd rack up a few miles.. 

Into a stiff head wind, I laboured up through Muirhouse (see extra) and Silverycows and onwards across the Cramond Brig. There were a few other cyclists out and about on this cold but manageable morning.

Through the Ferry and across the bridge; sun and the wind now a cross wind, so less of a mission.

Down through Rosyth and up towards Pitreavie. And a pleasant hour rummaging about for photos; some good locations too. Evidence of this will no doubt appear elsewhere. 

And hour and a quarter back home; toes were numb so a hot bath and a cooked breakfast helped. With copious amounts of tea. 

And so to the afternoon; the work I abandonded won't do itself; and then off up to hers. Where all hell has broken loose after 6 weeks of realtive calm. Moral support is required. And gin too I suspect. Onwards, into the breach....

If Barbara Hepworth did bridges...

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