Let There Be Light

By solli

Autumn Gold

I spent a few hours at Liberty Hall (1772) which is on the tour for Union County's Four Centuries Weekend. I've visited the Kean (pronounced Kane) family home twice before and without fail find the history of the Livingston/Kean family's political involvement with the beginning of our Federal government ever fascinating.

It was a beautiful day to explore the estate which consists of twenty-three acres of formal gardens and grounds housing 60 species of trees including the Pin Oak, Black Locust, Yellow Buckeye, European Beech and a European Horse Chestnut that was planted in 1770 by Susan Livingston. The grounds also contain twenty-five apple trees, a corn field, an herb garden and a large vegetable patch. All are a fruitful source for spotting birds, butterflies and various moths and insects, and I know I'll be returning soon.

Although I took photos of the exterior of the house and gardens, when I arrived home I was visited by the two tiny American Goldfinch and my heart was won over by their love of peanuts. Who knew?

Thank you all for your stars, hearts and kind comments on yesterday's Pink Pearls. xo

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