Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Freesias and lines

Very busy day so a quick garden blip. My freesias are in a pot and for some reason are very late, last of the spring bulbs this year. These are the ones with a strong smell so have them by the kitchen door and get to smell them every time I go out.

Cousins 65th birthday lunch, and lots of tomatoes planted. I'm early with the toms this year so really hope we don't get a late frost!

Last night, along with thousands of others, went tot he Festival of Transitional Architecture in Christchurch, where students using light made spaces to perform as bars, and as meeting places. It was very interesting, but made me think - what would I do if there was a big quake, the crowd might panic, the roads are really just broken stones and there are still some tall buildings. It really brings home that we don't have a city centre left, that although a lot of work has been done it's still largely pulling down, and I realise again that even if I live to be 90 there won't be a finished city in my life time - scary stuff. But great to see the young ones, for whom the new city is their future, giving so much pleasure to people, with their innovative ideas and hard work. To see some of the "spaces: click here for Luxcity

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