As if . . .

. . . I haven't got enough to read, I am now setting out on a re-read. The Man Booker Prize people have announced that there is to be a Golden Prize to celebrate its 50th birthday. One book will be chosen from the winners in each decade and then a final choice will be made. 

Out of interest I wondered how many of the older winners I have read and discovered that, not only have I read quite a few of them, I actually have copies of a fair number of them. 

So, here are two of the winners in the 70s - Iris Murdoch: The Sea, The Sea (1978) and Penelope Fitzgerald: Offshore (1979). I have had these since they were published and have read both several times - two of my favourite books. I am now starting a re-read and hope one of them gets chosen to represent the 70s. 

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