Queen Elizabeth Park.....

.....and Pownall Gates.

The gates of Queen Elizabeth Park in Masterton, commemorate Charles Aylmer Pownall, a lawyer and Masterton's youngest mayor. When first elected in 1890, Pownall was just twenty-four. He served several terms as mayor until 1902, overseeing the establishment of the town's infrastructure, raising loans to pay for a piped water supply and drainage works. He also made improvements to Masterton Park, now named Queen Elizabeth Park. When the citizens of Masterton donated to a fund for his benefit, Pownall gave the money to be used for these commemorative gates, completed in 1903. Pownall died in 1912, aged forty-seven.

Although it's been a brisk 10C, it's been bright and sunny, nice for getting out of the house for some fresh air and a wander round the park.

 This is a backblip.....during the time emotions were high, low and everything inbetween, it was a huge task to sort and empty the house ready for sale, we got there, asyoudo, but some days I just couldn't blip, so here I am, quite a while later......

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