
By FattoFit

Day 52 - 240 pounds

Well....an interesting 3 weeks. As I said last time (29th September) I was going on holiday for 2 weeks and might not manage to blip. My aim was to stay the same weight over my holiday. Unfortunately I didn't manage that and when I weighed myself on Saturday a week ago I had put on 8 pounds and was 249 pounds. Not surprising when I think of all I ate and drank over the 2 weeks.

However I got back on the wagon on Monday and have lost 9 pounds since then so I'm now back on track. It was re-assuring to still be able to wear the same clothes, including work clothes, that I was wearing before my holiday.

The important thing for me to remember was that I had 2 choices: I could either lose heart and give up and end up back up at 266 pounds or so where I started, or I could accept that I couldn't change the past and resolve to keep going, remembering why I had decided to lose the weight in the first place. I chose the latter and I'm so glad that I did.

See you next week........

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