Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Late Night & Early Morning

Tired today!

Forgive me for another Billy blip....though this is a bit different.

Well, anyway I've been reading the manual for my camera....and I've discovered a way of taking several shots at once :) So Mr Billy here, under his favourite willow tree in my garden was the subject this morning. Very easy because I caught him unawares and he didn't come running when the door opened :) He was looking this way and that...thanks to the several shots thing, I caught his head moving in the different directions you see!

I have been playing with duo tone in picasa, and managed a different sort of collage/montage :) I thought a pink one was appropriate for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Really strange night last night.

Got home at about 4.30am, but only really slept between 5am and 9am, then Billy was fussing when I woke up, and needed feeding (He was very good last night, I shut him in the bedroom until I came home)! So anyway I got up and fed him, let him out, heated a hot water bottle and went back to bed but couldn't sleep, so I read a bit.

In the end I got up an hour ago and I've just been pottering around aimlessly really. PJ day today I think, probably involving going back to bed at some stage :) Isn't it typical there is nothing worth watching on the TV until Downton Abbey tonight (typical Sunday viewing)...

My Street Pastors shift was a very quiet one.

The fair that has been having fireworks the last three evenings, had to shut early because the field was getting flooded, so the customers had mostly upped and gone home early rather than filling the bars and clubs afterwards. So apparently there were mostly very young people who were drunk silly (or had been inebriated by some drug or other), so sad they seem to have nothing better to do!

Obviously they had been turned out of clubs and pubs by the ever efficient doormen. Some end up being arrested by police, others sadly have problems of getting home safely if a taxi won't take them, and inevitably some break up a relationship, just because they are in such a bad state.

Our Street Pastors talk to them, care for them, clear up broken glass etc, give out flip flops to girls with silly height shoes then going barefoot, giving out bottles of water or doing small first aid, helping the emergency services as and when necessary.

In fact as I was driving home at 4am and stopped at some traffic lights (level with one of the SP's actually), a girl crossed the road in bare feet with her other half.... I thought, if only I had some flip flops with me~but of course you can't do everything all of the time and the equipment was back at base! In any case, not being one of the team, just the back up and prayer support at base....not qualified either!

Have a great Sunday blippers :)

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