Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

The Wolf and the Salford Warbler.

I hot footed it to Banff mid morning after a couple hours work to meet with Marvelous Mo, who was to accompany me on my antique printer's letter box rendezvous but then went and magically materialised a second one for me out of her boot!

The sun was shining in Banff showing off the wonderful old buildings...and the nae so lovely buildings. We met at Duff House, alas the wee cafe on site wasnae feeling at its best. Might be terminal. Let's hope not. So we headed on to the pick up. The antique shop lady was lovely and gave Mo the inside track on the best antiques shops up Moray way. The printer's tray has an unusual metal trim so I went for it.

The huge wolf and his pal grace the big gates of the artists centre up at the old castle, an echo of old crests. I'd be quite happy having that on my gate too if I win the lottery.

Couldn't resist a spotty bag shop walk around and then introducing Mo to the delights of the Boyndie Trust for lunch. Then all too soon we had to part ways.

Crazy rush back to walk dogs, collect kids, feed kids then out to Kim's for a lovely curry with everyone before heading out to see Morrissey. He had iconic footage up instead of a support act, some nostalgic, some bringing back memories like a jolt; restless natives, govt crack downs, thatcher and the miners, and sub culture sounds of decades past. Now by this point I was bit squiffy, so I easily lost myself in dance to How Soon is Now. But if only he had played more old ones instead of talking up dubious politics - the big duffus of a brexiteer, SNP hating, Palestinian suppressor misinformed dafty that he is - although we will surely always have meat is murder in common.

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