
By PixelChristi

Looking for light... and snowdrops

Bit of a breakthrough today. I've been wanting to finish my "Common or Garden" series of still lives of common plants and weeds for years now. Trouble was I needed to get snowdrops, bluebells and maybe some daffodils done just to finish it off.

All my health nonsense of the last few years has meant that I've consistently left it too late to get out and find my subject matter which then means waiting a year for them to come around again.

Finally managed to do the seemingly simple task of getting hold of snowdrops today ( our new house has them in the garden ). I got the still life captured too, but am going to wait until the weather turns (as it inevitably will ) before I spend the day working on it on my PC.

It's a small thing in the grand scheme but it's a good sign. It's been bugging me that the series remains unfinished. This way, even if it turns out to be a complete failure, at least it's not occupying valuable brain space. I don't have enough room in there for unfinished projects to be taking up space :)

Another few weeks and fingers crossed, it'll be done \o/

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