CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Snowy Glenshee

A bright, cold day

We went to Glenshee to join our Granddaughter as she celebrated her 15th Birthday. She, and her family, were staying the weekend in a Pod in the nearby Eco Centre, while we were just there for the Saturday.

The Car Parks were full and there were hundreds of people on the Ski Slopes. Despite long queues, the skiers went up and down all day. We were not there to ski - but to sledge on the lower slopes. The rest of the family went up and down several times and Eleanor managed twice - she had great fun, as you can see. I am afraid with my thin blood I found it very cold and retreated to the Café fore a warm cup of tea. I did however manage to get lots of photos of the mountains and the skiers as well as the sledgers, so if you would like to see them, and there are some great shots of the snow covered mountains, then head over to my Flikr Album.

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