
By Sproutling

100 Days old,

Day 100

And the whole world at my feet,

100 days of me,
*(100 days of me surviving their mad ideas)*
100 days of joy,
*(100 sleepless nights)*
100 days of snuggles
*(100 days of puke down their backs)*
100 days of bonding
*(100 days of plotting)*
100 days of being very very wanted
*(100 days of unwanted Older Sibling dribbly snogs)*

Despite how mad they can be,
they are shocked how calm,
how happy,
how relaxed I am,
constantly smiling,
giggles slowly escaping,
I am a joy, a pleasure,
I love the camera,
please watch esp 45 secs on! with sound!

500 Nappies changed,
600 Bottles Made,
34579345 Outfits changed,
I love this family of mine,
I most certainly do!

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