Elephants On Parade

We hosted the Flumlet again today and, has become his habit, he went straight to the 'display cabinet' to see my collection of elephants and to take out one or two to hold.

We progressed to taking out several and lining them up - twelve here, then more and more. After that we took out several other members of the animal kingdom - otters, squirrel, badger, turtles, all sorts except the owls (what he has got against owls, I don't know), lining them up behind the others. Mr Flum counted 52 elephants and not all came out of the cabinet - you must think my 'display cabinet' is like a Tardis but they all live on one and a half shelves of the wall unit.

Anyway we had a lovely time and, snack finished, we made raspberry buns, using the jam made from the fruit he helped pick last summer.

I think he went to nursery for a rest!

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