It's a Beautiful Life

By ArtyFi


Platform 4, Doncaster Railway Station. I have spent many a long hour here waiting for my train back to Edinburgh after visiting Mum. The time seemed to pass quickly this visit. Mum is doing ok, though has now hurt her back so has been in some pain. Fortunately she has carers coming in at the moment to help her readjust to home life after a month in hospital. The doctors' surgery have messed up yet again, booking her in for a surgery appointment when she needed a home visit as she is housebound. The doctor will not come to see her, but after a few phone calls she will get some medication tomorrow. Getting old when you have a long-term debilitating illness is not much fun. Otherwise she is in good spirits, for which I am grateful. It was a good visit.

Playing catch-up again! I have backblipped Monday if you are interested.

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