The Stage Is Set

A bit of a flat day after last night/this morning late finish, even Badger was like a teenager deprived of sleep. Dogs walked, some shopping for dog and bird food done. My script for the presentation re read and tweaked again and a nap to make up for the lost sleep. 
Mrs A S arrived back from her two day conference in Manchester just as I was leaving to go to York.
York the hosts for the nights exchange club visit  saw eight of our members, four of whom would give a presentation each, warmly welcomed. The delivery of went well despite the fact I could not read my carefully prepared script! Luckily due to having written and re written it so often most of it had stuck in my mind if not necessarily in the right order! and it was as were the other three, received well. So a happy end to a long day. 
Thank you all for the words of encouragement and wish they obviously worked!    

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