Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Stourbridge Navigation Trust

Eddie is much happier today now his boys are home fromWales. My daughter was feeling better today so I told her I'd take her to the zoo, last Sunday she was upset when I was asked to cover at work. Today she couldn't really be bothered to get ready. It led to raised voices and 45 minutes later she's still not ready and I gave up, at which point she was going to call the police for not taking her. I'm still not sure how things got blown out of proportion but they did.
Things were calmer this afternoon so we took Eddie for a walk. It was Stourbridge Navigation Trust's open weekend. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Stourbridge. The government had planned to close much of the network of waterways but were taken on by a group of enthusiasts, who won the right to navigate inland waterways, preventing their decline and closure.

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