
By Beewriter

Choo Choo

Well....I've spent my morning with a group of bearded, anorak wearing, flask carrying men. They had shopping bags with their sandwiches in. They wrote down the numbers on trains. It was hard not to just take pics of them.

Pat, Katy and I went to Bury, to the Steam Festival. We stuck out like sore thumbs. Well they did. I did until I got my camera out and started taking pics. All the bearded, anorak wearing men ran like teenage groupies whenever a steam train moved. They were almost pawing the drivers and engineers, it was hilarious. They were all taking pics and I was in amongst them. We went across to the transport museum too and took some pics of the old buses.

The light was glaringly bright, the steam was gushing, so the quality of the pics was not brilliant. I thought this one captured a bit of the old worldliness.

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