Strange day

Slow start from CyclopsJnr. Sad and clingy and didn't want to get dressed. So we retired to the sofa... and by 8.45am he was bouncing off the walls so I called nursery and said we'd be in but we'd be late. 

Got there at 9.30am and Miss E had kindly waited in, as the class had already gone to the wild woods. She took CyclopsJnr down for digging and snacks. Later the class made a Chinese Dragon and danced in it / played instruments. Miss E said he'd been himself, but itchy. They investigated the itch and a rash had appeared. So they had the school nurse take a look and it was declared 'post viral'. No action required. 

And so CyclopsJnr made if through the day.

He requested a babyccino after nursery so we went to Caffe Nero (best choice for marshmallows) and CyclopsJnr was on great form.

But by tea time he had run out, and was pretty sad and exhausted. Early to bed and his sleeping has been unsettled.

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