
When we take Ubers I keep the camera ready to capture things I see out the car window. This smith was pounding some kind of metal contraption against the anvil, but I couldn't see what it was. Right after I took this, a young boy approached the car, trying to sell squirt-gun glasses, and he squirted the window to demonstrate. You have to wonder who buys the stuff kids and women are trying to sell at so many intersections. When we visit with Sr. Lucy of Maher on Monday, I'll ask her about the lives of these people and how some end up at Maher and have a chance to get out of abject poverty.

Seems I met my match with aloo gobi yesterday. Spent the afternoon and evening in bed, trying to breathe the upset away, but it hung on! We'll see if I can make it through Geeta's class in a little while.

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