Rascally Waskerley

Walking the Waskerley Way

Walking - and avoiding bikes that is! This is part of the old railway near Castleside and also not far from Consett in County Durham. It is also part of the C2C cycle route and hence so many bike riders of all shapes, sizes and temperaments....grrrr.

T'was a lovely warm autumn day and the sun shined throughout. We did around 15Km and saw lots of rather handsome sheep, fine cows and bulls, horses all wearing coats for some reason, rabbits, blue tits, black swans with bright red beaks, assorted ducks, giant furry caterpillars and a lovely friendly Collie dog puppy!

Was on a scouting mission really for cycling the route later this month or next with a few friends. Discovered that the route we took was all down hill - then the biting realization that we had to walk over 7Km back up !! Will keep us fit.

If only the weather was like this more often. All this only 40 minutes from Newcastle!

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