
Not surprisingly I feel exhausted and flattened at the end of this week. Work was good and I left feeling satisfied with what I'd done.

Arriving home was difficult, more so than last evening. There is nothing I can do but go with the flow of grief. It will ease.

I paid the bill at the vet and it was what I'd expected it would be. They are kind and lovely. The shopping is done and I've made a start on other weekly chores.

Orange flowers are one of my favourites. These were delivered to me on Wednesday evening by 2 lovely friends who wanted me to know that they care and understand.

I've received a lot of love like that, in person, online, text, phone, email, and of course from the blip community.

Tiredness and grief are a hard combination, each makes the other worse. That's just how it this this evening. Tomorrow will be a new day.

And of course looking at these lovely flowers reminds me of good things and people too.

Today's gratitude: For the lovely day today. It was warm, sunny, and gentle. Just what I needed.

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