middle of nowhere

By nipponnay

A familiar sight

This is the waiting room of the dentists, where I've spent a considerable amount of time this year already. For the first time, it was almost dead, so I took the opportunity to take a photo.

The machine on the floor is the kerosene heater, which you can smell a mile off, and omits carbon monoxide fumes. I have one in my flat but refuse to use it. Apparently, Japanese people use the heater, but leave a window open to let the fumes escape. Pretty contradictory, but the alternative is to suffer in the poisonous fumes. They give me a right headache, so mine hasn't left it's home in the wardrobe.

In other news, Lost is back on, so I am a happy bunny! Spent £31.99 for the whole season on iTunes though! I'm sure it will be worth it.

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