
Had a lot of fun at lunchtime with A and L at the street food event put on by the University's Thai Society [see extras]. The food and atmosphere were good, and L bought plenty of raffle tickets to have a good chance of winning some Thai noodles. And win we did! 60 packets, plus three insulated lunch bags - one of which we passed on - a Singha teeshirt and a memory stick. There was extra fun due to my student and another of our PhD students joining us, and I got to test my Bulgarian on an undergraduate we met. Thanks are due to our Thai PhD student who told us it was on, and was helping with the event.

Earlier K and our visitor flew to Grenoble for the second half of the school exchange.

This evening we are going to the cabaret show that L will be performing in, so we'll both miss out on alternative social options. Good job life's not always like this!

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