Dark, Snowy and Cold - Wonderful!

Darkness is something we have plenty of in the Scandinavian winter so it helps if you see darkness as something cosy, rather than something to survive!
This year we also have plenty of snow and that helps lighten up the dark. Torches and headlights are far more effective in the snow, and even without artificial light it is seldom completely dark with snow on the ground. So snow is also seen as positive by us and many others.
Cold weather has been more common this winter. Here it's -17°C, just down the hill even colder.  Cold is more "interesting" than "pleasurable", though it is only cold that gives the snow that "twinkle". The cold also adds a touch of adventure to life. Most people here prefer the cold winters to the warm ones, when lots of 0° days create icy paths and roads!
In the darkness beyond the lights is the carpark at "Mats o Karin's" and our ride home.

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