Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Cold Pentlands

Another day for not hanging around. It's cold and the breeze is quite strong.  I decide to do a shorter ride, 66.5km, just over 31 miles. Again I head out through Bush to Auchendinny, then the climb straight up to Howgate. At the top, I get my main blip of the Pentlands.

From here I descend to Leadburn, and then on to the bumpy A701 Moffat road. I cycle along the a road through Lamancha and Romannobridge to Mountain Cross. I turn off the A road, and head through Callands, to the B7059. I stop here to take Extra 1. IF you view this photo large, you can see the ice on the road. Fortunately I am turning left to follow the B road back to Romannobridge.

A short bit along the A701 again, then I turn right to head to West Linton. Deanfoot road takes me to Harlaw Muir and past Auchencrth Moss and Hare Moss. Almost altitude training, its 6 degC again, the highest and normally coldest part of the ride is the warmest. At Ravensneuk, I join the A701 takes me through Penicuik. I turn off at Gowkley Moss to head back home through Bush and along the Seafield Moor Road.

in the afternoon I walk down to the local shop to get something for afternoon coffee as my partner wants to stay home as she has to make some cards for people who have ordered them. On my way, I pass these Lunaria, money plants, Extra 2, glowing in the weak sunshine.

Its nice to walk in the sunshine. Back to work tomorrow, and snow is forecast for the week ahead. Enjoying it while it lasts.

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