
By Wildwood

Red Sky in the Morning

OilMan was up at dawn to pick grapes in Dry Creek Valley with a friend who wants to make wine in his garage. The sky was beautiful and reminded me of the well known phrase:
Red sky in the morning,
Sailors take warning.
Red sky at night,
Sailors delight.

While they were gone I took Ozzie for a walk, went to the market, tidied up the Farmhouse and made lunch.

When the pickers returned, we traded a few other adages predicting the first rain of the season. Apparently the vineyard manager had had one of his own involving squirrels--they are quiet if it will be dry, but they become very active if rain is coming. I'm sure every region has it's own common wisdom of this sort and I'm inclined to believe that it is slightly more reliable than looking out the window.

Today has been a case in point. Once the sun rose from behind the clouds it was quite grey and cool. By the time we were ready for lunch there was more sun than cloud and we moved everything outside and chatted over wine and cheese, prosciutto and figs and a tomato and mozzarella salad. (Even though I am running out of ways to make tomatoes, the really beautiful big heirloom tomatoes are finally ripe, and the simple tried and true recipes are often the best.) Now there isn't a cloud in the sky and the sun is streaming through the window.

We haven't seen a squirrel here at the Farmhouse in years, and the ones Ozzie spotted in the park this morning were VERY active! (When will he learn that he can't climb trees?)

Having helped pick 350 lbs. of grapes, OilMan found it necessary to retire for a nap as soon as the guests left. I'm afraid he's in for another chat with Ravinder when he wakes up, as I haven't gotten any email on my laptop in two days...

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