A chilly morning, but sunny, still afternoon...there were lots of midgies out!! This is presumably the lull as the wind drops before changing direction and giving us a blast from the east.
After dancing this morning, I spent the afternoon at the laptop finishing a report for Thursday - apart from a break of around 15 minutes to blip.

The sea was a stunning deep blue, as was the sky.  I could hear wrens, greenfinches, and, I think, a goldcrest in the garden.  This is one of a pair of bantams who frequent our garden, they are a mother and daughter, and the mother must be more than 15 years old now.  They moved out of the henhouse many years ago, choosing to roost in the trees, and nothing will induce them to move back inside.  They are a feisty pair, who bicker with each other, and the other hens, but I like their independence, and their feathers are intricately patterned.  This one stood beside me for around 10 minutes while I tried to get a shot of a wren or a goldcrest.

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