How Long Before It Collapses?

I took Finlay out after breakfast once the blizzard and snowdrifts had cleared (see extra).

Then we had to go to the bank to pay in the weekends takings - but that took forever as everyone seemed to withdrawing emergency cash for the ‘Big Freeze’ and there was the inevitable queue of people “can I just close these thirteen accounts and put them into this one because it pays 0.00001% more interest” and “can I just just check that all my standing orders are setup correctly and have been paid for the last three months” - meanwhile the queue is out of the door.

Then off to Darlington - called in at MIL’s and shut off the water and left the heating on frost prevention - before heading to hospital, where we got a scare as they said she was being discharged today. We pointed out that there was no one else at home, and she wouldn’t be able to manage on her own between carer visits (which had all been cancelled anyway).

She is now being discharged on guess where we will be going….

Back home by 5, then off to the studio to stow away the display gear and put all the fabric back on the shelves after the show.

Now received a phone call from daughter - she is ill and can I do the lunchtime school run for our granddaughter!

So I am glad I took this shot of these crumbling doors / windows - and yes the camera horizon showed it was level. It is a rubbish quality shot (TZ90 again) but is all I have had time for!

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