
By don_T

Puzzle completed - check mark

My newly retired sweetie completed this beautiful Norman Rockwell puzzle yesterday. It takes him 2-3 weeks to complete each puzzle, this being the 2nd since retiring at the end of December. This one took a bit longer as watching the Olympics kept sidetracking him. Lovely sunny Sunday, mild and spring like. After a late lie-in reading the paper and sipping hot caffinated drinks we did a few chores. I then turned my undivided attention to fine tuning my barre (ballet with attitude) fitness routine. I had our lovely neighbour (and new mother) come over to be a test subject, she loved it! So much so she is coming back Monday to help me practice ny cuing before my test on Tuesday. I then scooted to the pool for weekly laps then we curled up to watch the taped stunning Olympic Closing Ceremonies.

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