
Well, I did mention this in my blip yesterday, and it did deliver. These are the hills just west of where we live. There was a small window where the clouds lifted to expose these hills so took the opportunity to blip them, snow we have seen a few times this spring. Since then we have had sleety snow showers, hail and rain. The wind is coming from those hills....chilly stuff.

Sir Wilson Whineray died this morning at the age of 77. A natural born leader, the youngest captain at 23 years, and some say the greatest All Black Captain of all time. Affectionally known as skip. He retired from the game in 1965

Since the weather dictated what we could do today, we tackled the kitchen and made some good progress. Tomorrow friends are coming out to help out with the heavier farm stuff....I will have to keep a sharp eye on Doug, we don't want him over doing the lifting. We know only to well were that leads too!!

And, thanks so much for all the goodies given for the abstract thingi yesterday :)


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