Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Jumping spider

Identification - Siler semiglaucus or maybe family Cosmophasis Very difficult to identify.

A strange safari today. All I seemed to find was jumping spiders, four in all but I only managed shots of two. Usually I can go several days without seeing one jumper. I had a better shot of the other spider but this one had a hint of pink in it. There was a good flash of metallic pink in the side view, but I didn't nail that shot unfortunately.

This arachnid is very tiny, probably no more than 5mm in length, almost continually in motion, in short rapid sprints with pauses of a second or two. I did try directing her with my finger, but she jumped onto my hand and I lost sight of her.

Not enough pink to qualify for the tag, but I am thinking about this special month. With nothing much else volunteering for blip and feeling a tad under the weather, I packed in the safari after half an hour, hoping that I had nailed at least one shot out of the fifty.

I am finding that a lot of the stars that I am giving out are not registering over the last few days, probably due to the problems Blip have been having. If you feel that you have been short changed, let me know and I will correct the situation.

The millipede made a double century and front page of the favorites, so thank you all for your support on that one. Like I wrote yesterday, I struggle to interpret what will be popular. I thought the wasp was one of my best blips but it didn't even make my top 100, go figure!


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