play it... ear said the vet!

Twice in five weeks and the lad is back in the  Elizabethan collar, aka pet lampshade, cone of shame (the latter from the 2009 movie UP!).
Regardless of the moniker Astro is back to crashing around forgetting he now can't fit through the dog flap....nooooo.

And the ear buso?
A hematoma which swelled up his left ear to look like he had just played a Rugby Test against the All Blacks ...or was trying to smuggle a large chipolata sausage in his ear.
A common cause is by a vigorous head shake that causes the the tiny blood vessels in the floppy part of the ear to rupture.
Eeek sounds painful and it is.

So back under anesthetic and that has been drained and embroidered  with a fine array of stitches...and of course 'the cone'.

He is now positively gleaming having had a teeth scale and clean, nail trim and pooch makeover.
Just too sexy for his...shirt collar.

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