Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Into the abyss...

I cannot stomach the nonsense being regurgitated at every opportunity by the 'false news' channels this morning.  "The Beast from the East" garbage is tediously spewed out by the couch monkeys on every channel.  I was news channel flicking in my Glasgow hotel room trying to find an honest appraisal of the weather I might encounter on my journey south but it was all silly rhetoric.  One dizzy darling stood on the roof of a news building was complaining how cold she was.  "Well get inside yer daft ta*t", I screamed at the telly.  MrsDB scolded me for my impatience.  Another one of the mini-celebs was telling us how there might be 12cm of snow and maybe it would drift if the winds increase later today - why oh why can't we just deal with facts?  

The traffic/weather announcer of Radio Scotland advised that the A68 was 'tricky'.  No explanation why or where and seeing as the A68 stretches 120 miles from Edinburgh to Darlington her news was about as much use as ti**ies on a bull.

To cap it all, when I reached the BBC Scotland news channel, the weather woman on there said the worst snow was to be found in the North East of England, but a second later - as soon as they switched to British National News the Kirkwood woman (gurrd morrrrning) announced that the worst snow was in the North West of England.  False news, scaremongering, mis-information.  

My pic shows the worst weather we encountered on the way South heading towards Beattock Summit.

Must go now, got to do some panic buying.  Who'd have expected snow in February!  ....

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