
By scribbler

Fun with paint

These four little paintings began with a large sheet of Yupo paper that I had stenciled last year with a pink design. Today I cut the sheet into postcards and played with the design in acrylics. It helps to have a place to start. 

This was entirely an exercise in painterly intuition. I had no plan in mind for the individual cards or for the set. I just played with shapes and colors. I especially liked having two reds, an orange-red and a blue-red, and two blues, a green-blue and a red-blue. The rest of the limited palette consisted of a middle yellow plus titanium white. I did try a couple of iridescent shades that I gave up on early on because they weren't bright enough to suit me.. The greens, oranges,  and purples were mixed. The result is four different paintings that are related, though not in a matchy-matchy way.

Now you try!

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