
Milly heads back to Lincoln, today, which we could have done the mundane way by dropping her in Lancaster but I thought it'd be nicer to drive out to Ribblehead, which is an unarguably remote station, albeit one that has a pub very nearby.

Thus, Milly, the Minx, the miniMinx, and I all had lunch at the Station Inn, which was very pleasant - a solid seven out of ten for food - before dropping Milly off at the station. It was bloody cold so we sat in the car until we could see the train approaching the far side of the viaduct. 

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Reading: FINALLY finished 'Manchester Stories'. This was a solid 2: finished it but didn’t enjoy it. I stuck with it because I wanted to know the stories but the writing was pretty leaden. It has meant I’ve read very little over the last fortnight. Hopefully I’ll enjoy my next book a bit more: George Saunders’ Lincoln In The Bardo’.

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