Bits of Life Thru A Lens

By KimD

At the patch

I took the kids to a new (for us) pumpkin patch this year. It was a lot of fun but a bit overwhelming for us. We typically go to a church down the street, pick a pumpkin, and come home. This was more like a fare. It was jam packed with people, crafts, and food. We had to park about half a mile away (no big deal going there but the kids were warned when picking their pumpkins that they would be responsible for carrying them back to the car LOL). We had a lot of fun but all agree that next year we will head back to our usual place. We did enjoy our first ever corn maze though. And we ran into Beyonce, which always makes me smile.

For those of you who don't know the story of Beyonce and could use a good laugh.

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