
By spishy

Memorial blip

in memory of my Mother, who died of breast cancer 21 years ago today.

I don't think I'll win any plaudits for the display here.  As usual, although I had decided ages ago that I would blip in her memory on this day, I did not prepare it until this morning, so  was tearing around the house looking out photos and these bits and bobs of jewellery that belonged to her,  in the early hours.

As you might just be able to see, she was a nurse and for a few years in the early 1950's she worked at the Brompton Hospital, which specialises in heart and lung diseases.  She nursed patients with the dreaded Tuberculosis.    Great strides were made in the 50's to eradicate this horrible disease but I understand that it has become a problem again with a new drug resistant strain on the increase.

My Mother was the youngest of twelve children!!  Born in a small town in Galway, Ireland.   We probably have hundreds of first cousins but to be honest I don't know who most of them are, or even where they are.      My cousin John, who is staying with us at the moment is the son of one of her older sisters, Margaret.  One of the pictures here is of my Mum and Auntie Margaret together.

Needless to say we  all still miss her terribly but have many very happy memories stored in our hearts and minds.  

On a lighter, but slightly irritating note, we spent about 30 minutes turning the kitchen cupboards inside out last night searching for a half eaten packet of chocolate digestives that John had put away and couldn't remember where..... Then this morning we have turned the Office upside down looking for a set of keys that seemed to have sprouted legs over the weekend and wandered off in to some black hole somewhere.     Plus... I parked on the side of the road this morning to run in to a shop and when I came out someone had collided with one of my wing mirrors and smashed it to pieces... grrr.

It's a misty, gloomy day here but I have spotted a row of dewy cobwebs on the fence outside the Office.... I'm hoping they may look as delightful tomorrow so that I can blip them.

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