Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Outside and inside......

Slow 20mph drive to work, little skid going into the car park, donned my wellies boots and into work. Only to find the boiler wasn’t working so just as cold indoors - sitting working with our coats/scarves/hats on! [Selfie of me with one of our managers ..... all wrapped up nice and warm.]. For those that came in (or had arrived before the managers rang round to tell people to work from home), there was a good pulling together of staff ringing around to ensure that the vulnerable people we support were warm, had food and were safe. :)

Gradually through the day, staff left to work from home, getting home whilst it was light and before the next flurry of shower was due to fall.

I can’t moan about the weather because living in the Thames Valley we don’t get the weather extremes that the rest of the uk (and Scotland) get.

Doing it all again tomorrow :)


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