Did you hear that?

Noisier in Large. ;-)

I decided to hike the trails near Sabin Pond (a large body of water created by a dam in the Boardman River) this morning.  I didn't see any people until I was getting back to the car.  That made for a peaceful time with the wildlife.  The sun was shining and it was a cool 25F degrees... kind of perfect hiking weather.  Most of the birds saw me coming and moved a little too far away for my lens, but this downy woodpecker wasn't shy.  I heard her before I spotted her (Tap, Tap, Tap)...  The pine tree she is in has the best curly textured bark, great for my image, but I bet it was a great place for insects too!

In extras:  The bufflehead ducks were pretty sly and impossible to get near, but I liked this distance image of them and the shoreline.  Then, on my way out of the woods, the geese did a flyby.  A nice parting gift. :)

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